New York City families
acting for climate justice and
a livable future.

Family-led activism for a healthier world
A grassroots, mostly volunteer, NYC-based group of kids and caregivers fighting for an end to fossil fuels and a cleaner, greener future for all.
Family and kid friendly climate activism to push elected leaders and financial institutions to move off fossil fuels and into climate justice.
Climate activism should be accessible for families - it’s our kids’ futures that are at stake after all!
By showing up! We rally, sing, parade, draw, protest, march, play, blow bubbles and come up with creative, age-appropriate ways to use our moral authority as families to pull the levers of power in government and finance!
Most importantly, we strive to make climate activism accessible, family-friendly, and fun!
We’re social!
Actions & Events
We host regular in-person direct actions and frequent playdates. We also have frequent actions you can take from home or in your own communities. Sign up here to get action alerts to your inbox and to be invited to our regular meetings and online community chats.
Our Campaigns
We campaign for good climate legislation for our city, state and country.
We take action to call out Wall Street’s funding of the climate crisis
We work to help cultivate a culture of climate action in schools and are committed to fighting for investment in electrification, clean air, and climate resiliency for all our schools!
Climate Families in the News
Join Us!
Signing up will add you to our newsletter with all our events and actions. We welcome your involvement in any capacity, however it makes sense to you and your family!