Young Activists Urge Citi to Lead the Way,  May 1, 2024

What do NYC Youth Want for Earth Day? An End to Fossil Fuels, April 22, 2024

How climate change is hitting NYC public schools, City Limits, Feb 5, 2024 

Why I Brought My Toddler to Protest at Citi CEO Jane Fraser’s House, Common Dreams, February 5, 2024

‘I thought we had more time’: how motherhood spurred a New Yorker’s fight against fossil fuels, The Guardian, December 19, 2023

Lefty Groups Making it Possible for Families to Do Politics, The Nation, Oct. 12, 2023

Opinion: To Keep Schools Open, NYC Needs Climate-Resilient Buildings, City Limits, September 14, 2023

March to End Fossil Fuels: Youth Activists Need Parents, Families to Join the Movement, Teen Vogue, September 11, 2023

Climate Families NYC Works to Protect Earth, New York Family, Sept. 2023

NY Moms Take on Wall Street Over Fossil Fuel Funding, The Fuller Project, July 2023

As Wildfire Smoke Recedes, Parents of Young Children Worry About the Next Time, Inside Climate News, June 13, 2023

‘Stop the dirty deal’: activists decry Schumer and Manchin over pipeline plan, May 31, 2023

Climate Activists Decry Pipeline 'Deal With the Devil' at Protest Outside Schumer's Home, Common Dreams, May 30, 2023

Jane Fonda Joins Climate Protest Over Biden’s Broken Promises, The Independent, May, 2023

Moms should Nurture Engagement and Protest, Not Perfection, Common Dreams, April 22, 2023 

New York Families Demand A Climate Budget, March 19, 2023

Parent Participation in Climate Justice Efforts Is on the Rise, Truthout, September 4, 2022

A message of Climate Urgency from One Mom to Another, Albany Times Union, May, 2022

Kids Write Holiday Climate Letters for Hochul, Dec. 2022, Riverdale Press

The 411 on Climate 911: Why Families Showed Up at Ron Klain’s House Dressed As Firefighters, July 2022

Climate Activists Protests Make Liberal Politicians Squirm,  Politico/ E& E news, July 2022, 

A growing force in the Climate Movement: Moms, The New York Times, March 2022

Activists give Wake Up Call to Chuck Schumer over Climate Crisis, News12, 2021

Climate Activists Invoke Schumer’s Grandson, AMNY, Oct. 2021