Get Involved
Families have a zillion things going on and fighting fossil fuels can’t always come first. But by making climate action a family activity we aim to make it easier to get involved - however that looks for you!
Easy first steps..
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Get orientated..
Not sure where to start or how to be most effective? Reach out to schedule a 1 on 1 call with one of our organizers. We can talk over how the organization functions and ways of getting involved that work for you and your family. Schedule a 1:1 call here.
Upcoming Events
Getting deeper..
Tabling at community events, data entry, making content for social media, writing press releases, creating art for actions, hosting bake sales, organizing call relays …
… are just some of the things that Climate Families members do to keep us strong. We welcome everyone to get involved however they can!
To get a better feel for how to plug in, we recommend you join our community chat groups where we post needs as and when they come up, or schedule a 1-on-1 chat. Attending events or helping at a tabling session with another CFNYC volunteer is another great way to get a feel for what we do and how you can help.
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